We posted previously on some of the Clearwater Family. We should note that most of the men mentioned (Clearwaters and Keatings) served with distinction in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, most notably Herbert Clearwater, Lynn's Grandfather, was gassed at Passchedaele and succumbed to the complications in 1932. Time to commit more to the sands of time!
Floyd Wellington Clearwater was born March
24, 1856 at Marbletown, New York as had his father and grandfather before him.
His ancestors, the Klaarwaters were one of the most ancient families in
Holland. During the 15th century they owned estates at Baarn, near
Rotterdam. Its members were among the founders of the Dutch Republic, and
achieved distinction in the wars of Holland. Some of the children baptized (Old Dutch Reformed Church, Kingston, NY) as
Jacobs/Jacobsen entered into marriage as Klaarwater. The name was later
anglicized to Clearwater, some descendants use the name Clowater.

Whose ancestors were among the founders of the
A soldier of Holland.
An early settler of Ulster County.
A native of Holland who fought in the wars of the
American frontier.
Sergeant in the provincial army during the
Colonial Wars.
Signer of the Articles of Association 1775.
Dragoon in the Marbletown Troop of Horse during the
war of the Revolution.
Signer of the Articles of Association 1775.
Trooper in the Marbletown Horse
Soldier in the Continental Army.
Soldier of the War of 1812
Whose ancestors were among the founders of the
A soldier of Holland.
An early settler of Ulster County.
A native of Holland who fought in the wars of the
American frontier.
Sergeant in the provincial army during the
Colonial Wars.
Signer of the Articles of Association 1775.
Dragoon in the Marbletown Troop of Horse during the
war of the Revolution.
Signer of the Articles of Association 1775.
Trooper in the Marbletown Horse
Soldier in the Continental Army.
Soldier of the War of 1812
The bronze is made of old cannon captured in battle during the American wars.
The marble is from American quarries. The tablet is place in the west wall of
the church and is a fine addition to the beautiful interior of that stately
A CENTENNIAL FEATURE: Huntsville Pioneer Review by H.E. Rice
F.W. Clearwater: # 6
While the struggling years
of early settlement still prevailed, F.W. Clearwater, a weekly newspaper
publisher in Whitby, gathered together his humble printing plant and spent two
strenuous weeks in getting over the hewn-out roadway that brought him to
The local "Huntsville Liberal" had been
established a few weeks earlier and was printed on "The Gazette"
press in Bracebridge under the editorship of Dr. F.L. Howland.
The two publishers formed a
partnership and changed the name to "The
Forester" with Dr. Howland still acting as editor. Both were staunch
Liberals and the paper beside its active service to the new community continued
uncompromising support to Liberalism. Later, Mr. Clearwater purchased the
Howland shares and continued as publisher until 1899.
With little time available
for active civic service "The
Forester" publisher actively used his paper in aiding the many pioneer
accomplishments. Undoubtedly The Forester 's influence played an important part
in securing a reversal of Oliver Mowat's cabinet decision to route the incoming
railway via Huntsville instead of Parry Sound. This was a final decision of
incalculable value to the new Huntsville community.
Mr. Clearwater continued as
publisher for a period from 1887 to
1889, when he finally moved to Hamilton. His part in Huntsville's early
development was of an editorial nature, although he served as a member of the School
Board. He was a man of strong fixed opinion, but he was active and loyal to the
interests of the new community he much admired.
CENSUS: 1881 Perry Township
HH 69
CLEARWATER, Edgar 50 yrs Born USA Meth German Farmer Con 8 Lot 17
Mary 49 yrs Born Ont
Floyd 25
yrs Born USA German Painter (printer?)
Asker 21 yrs Born Ont Blacksmith
James Edgar 15 yrs Born Ont
William 14 yrs Born Ont
John Wesley 10 yrs Born Ont
Jacob Stuart 4 yrs Born Ont
Wesleyan Methodist Baptism
Mary Annetta Clearwater Born
Whitby March 13, 1869 d/o Edgar and Mary Clearwater. Baptised by Rev. R.
Cosford Nov 11, 1869. Mary Annetta does not turn up in 1881 census with the
family - too young to be married - She must have died? The 1871 census may help
trace her.
CENSUS: 1891 Perry Township
HH 124
CLEARWATER: Edgar B. 60 yrs Born USA Methodist Farmer
Con 8 Lot 17
Mary 58 yrs Born Ont
William 58 yrs Born Ontario
Wesley 21
yrs Born Ontario
HH 125
yrs Born Ontario Methodist Farmer
CENSUS: 1891 Huntsville
CLEARWATER, Floyd W. 30 yrs Born Eng Presby Eng
Ellen M.
31 yrs
Herbert 7 yrs
CENSUS: 1901 Perry Township
CLEARWATER, Edgar B. 72 yrs
Born U.S. May 4, 1828 German
Mary 68 yrs Born August 15,
1832 Irish
James E. Born Nov 22,
Hazel K. Born Sept 18, 1889 grandaughter
yrs Born Sept 19, 1870
Eveline 30 yrs Born
Robert Born January
30, 1890
Mary I. Born
November 1894
Wesley C. Born January 6, 1897
CENSUS: 1901 Huntsville
CLEARWATER, Floyd W. 44 yrs Born March 24, 1856 U.S.
German Presb Printer
1857 Naturalized 1878
Ellen 42 yrs Born October
19, 1855 Ont English
Martin 17 yrs Born September
14, 1882
Frederick 6 yrs
Born March 11, 1894
Gordon 3 yrs Born March 11,
MARSHALL, Janet 14 yrs Born Sept 1,1886 Ontario
German Origin (Barnardo Home Child)
Children of Floyd &
Gordon Clearwater
Married (1) Theresa KEATING died Dec 6 or 7, 1923 29 yrs (Muskoka)
St. Andrew's Presbyt Cem
Vera Rhines (1904
- 1986)
Bert Clearwater ( - 1934)
Married Mayme Keating 1916 - 04 - 06 page
William B Clearwater
Married (1) January 23, 1885
Selina Keef Selina
died June 27, 1890 (Perry)
Married (2) December 31,
Elizabeth Jane BIRTCH
John W. Clearwater
Married December 31, 1891 in
Catherine Jane Atkinson of
Jacob Stewart Clearwater
Born Whitby
s/o Edgar Bovier Clearwater
& Mary Fisher
Married July 4, 1899 at
Alice May Dafoe
Clearwater, Martin Herbert
Born October 19, 1883 (CHECK)
S/o Floyd & Ellen (Martin) Clearwater
Gavin Mowat Born June 8, 1885 Died
July 21, 1885 in Chaffey
S/o Floyd & Ellen (Martin) Clearwater
Clearwater, Albert
(Alfred/)Emmett August 8, 1887 Died
September 23, 1887
s/o Floyd & Helen /Ellen
(Martin) Clearwater.
Baby Boy 1897
- 01 - 15 page 2
Baby Girl 1898
- 04 - 15 page 3
Baby Boy 1898 - 03 - 18 page 3
CLEARWATER, In Huntsville on
Friday March 11, the wife of F.W. Clearwater of a son.
Baby Girl 1900
- 05 - 11 page 3
CLEARWATER, At Scotia on
Saturday May 5th, the wife of J.S. Clearwater of a daughter.
Baby Boy 1916
- 12 - 21 page 6
CLEARWATER, In Huntsville on
December 8th, to Pte and Mrs. M.H. Clearwater, a son.
Baby Boy 1921
- 01 - 20 page 1
CLEARWATER, At Toronto, to
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clearwater, a son.
Baby Girl 1921
- 12 - 15 page 1
Ernest Brockton Clearwater 1917 - 07 - 19 page 8
Brockton, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Clearwater of Belleville was
baptized in St. Mary's Parish, Novar by the Rev. L. Sinclair on Sunday evening
Forester July 25, 1912 page
Death of Mr. E.B. Clearwater Mr. E.B. Clearwater of Scotia, father
of ex-postmaster Clearwater of Huntsville and a citizen highly respected and
esteemed to a wide circle of friends throughout this section died at his home
on Monday July 15th. His death was sudden and altogether unexpected.
He had been slightly indisposed and arose early on Monday. His son who lived in
the home with him got out of bed to give him some medication, returning when
this was done. When he arose later, however, he found his father dead in his
-----. The deceased was about 85 years of age and had been postmaster of Scotia
for some years.
(See Post Office Record -
Edgar had been postmaster for 20 years.)
Note: "Armour
Township" - The Invisible Past 1881 - 1981 - page 6 - 7 "The first Reeve, James Coleman, was
sworn into office by E.B. Clearwater, J.P. May 28, 1881."
Forester April 6, 1916 page
marriage took place at Dale's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Wednesday March
22, at 8 p.m. of Miss Mayme Keating, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wm Keating,
Huntsville to Mr. Bert Clearwater of Toronto, formerly of Huntsville, the Rev.
J. D. Morris officiating.
The bride's gown was a gold
coloured satin and she wore a bridal veil with orange blossoms and carried a
bouquet of sweet peas. The bride's travelling suit was of black taffeta with a
hat to match.
After a month's honeymoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater will spend the Easter holidays with the bride's parents
in Huntsville.
Forester July 19, 1917 page
8 Ilfracombe News
Ernest Brockton, infant son
of Mr. & Mrs W.B. Clearwater of Bellville was baptised in St. Mary's
Parish, Novar by the Rev. L. Sinclair on Sunday evening.
Forester January 20, 1921
page 1
Toronto, to Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clearwater, a son.
Forester March 31, 1921 page
A very pretty wedding took
place at Bonar Presbyterian Church, College and Lansdowne Street, Toronto on
March 16th, when Ena, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William
Keating was married to J.F. Rooney of Georgetown.
The bride looked very pretty
in a navy serge suit with georgette and henna hat and carried a large bouquet
of American beauty roses. She was attended by Miss Olive Gustar of 897 Shaw
Street, while the groom was ably assisted by his brother Mr. Allan Rooney.
After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's sister
Mrs. M.H. Clearwater, 540 Perth Street where a dainty lunch was served. Mr.
& Mrs. Rooney left for a short trip top western points and on their return
will reside in Georgetown.
Forester December 13, 1923
page 1
After many months of illness
and following a long period as a patient at the Muskoka consumptive hospital,
Mrs. Teressa Clearwater, wife of Mr. Gordon Clearwater and daughter of Chief
and Mrs. Wm Keating died at the latter institution on Friday last. (December 6th)
The remains were brought to Huntsville for interment in St. Andrew's cemetery,
the funeral taking place on Monday last at 2.30. Rev. J.B. Skene B.A. was the
officiating clergyman. Deceased was 29 years of age, leaves beside the husband
, a young son, who is at present with the grandparents here.
Among those from out of town
in attendance at the funeral were the following: Mr. & Mrs. John Keating,
Severn; Mr. & Mrs. Truman Keating, Mrs. Charles Rhodes and Mr. James
Keating of Galt. Mr. & Mrs. Foster Roney of Beeton; Howard Keating of
Windsor ; Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Clearwater; Mr. & Mrs. Geo Jermyn and Mr.
Molson Keating of Toronto.
Forester May 7 , 1925 page
BIRTH: Wilbert Moulson
Keating s/o Mr. & Mrs Moulson Keating April 19th, a son.
Forester 1932:
F.W. Clearwater Dies at
Former Publisher of the
Forester and Pioneer Citizen of Huntsville
Floyd W. Clearwater, former
editor and publisher of the Huntsville Forester and one of the early residents
of Huntsville passed away at the residence of his son Bert at Toronto on Sunday
last. The death of Mr. Clearwater was suden and unexpected although he has been
in poor health for some months.March 6th.
The late Mr. Clearwater came
to Huntsville from Whitby away back in the seventies and was for Came from Whitby in the 1870's and was for
some time associated with the late Dr. Howland in the management of the
Forester. In 1883 he purchased the paper and continued as editor and publisher until
1899 when he sold to the late George Hutcheson. Shortly after disposing of the
paper Mr. Clearwater was appointed postmaster of Huntsville which position he
held until 1912.
During his busy career in
Huntsville, the deceased took an active part in the development of the town. He
was identified with every movement which had as it’s object the town's progress
and gave capable leadership to all such through the paper he edited.
Mr. Clearwater served 8
years on the school board and for 2 years was chairman. He was a member of the
first school board formed in Huntsville following incorporation as a village.
For ten years he was License Inspector for Muskoka following the resignation of
Mr. E. F. Stephenson now of New Liskeard.
The late Mr. Clearwater was
an ardent Reformer and was closely identified with the local councils of the
party for many years. He was upon more than one occasion mentioned as a
parliamentary candidate, but never pressed his claims in this regard.
For some years he has been
living in Hamilton and Toronto but was with his son Bert at Toronto when the
end came. He leaves beside the widow, two sons,Fred and Albert both of
Hamilton. Deceased was 77 years of age.
Forester Thursday March 29,
1934 page 8
Many old Huntsville friends
were grieved to learn of the death at Toronto on Friday last of Mr. Bert
Clearwater, son of the late F.W. Clearwater, former publisher of the Forester
and postmaster of Huntsville. Mr. Clearwater died in St. Michael's Hospital
after a brief illness.
Deceased was born in
Huntsville and attended the local schools. After leaving school he entered the
post office as Assistant Postmaster and upon leaving here fifteen years ago,
entered the civil service at Toronto as a member of the postal staff. He
married a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Keating of Huntsville, who
survives him.
The funeral took place at
Toronto on Monday afternoon.
Forester March 28, 1935
"In Memoriam"
CLEARWATER: In loving memory
of a dear husband and father, Martin H. Clearwater who passed away March 23,
I have only your memory,
dear husband,
To remember my whole life
But the sweetness wil linger
As I treasure the image of
Sadly missed by Wife and
Forester November 8, 1934
page 1
Truman Keating Dies
Following Father's Funeral
Attended Service Here in
Sunday and Died in Toronto on Tuesday
Truman Keating son of the
late Wm. Keating died suddenly in Grace Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday following
his return from Huntsville. While here on Sunday attending the funeral of his
father, he felt ill and consulted a physician who urged him to return
immediately and enter a hospital for examination.
Upon arrival in Toronto he
was examined at his home by three doctors and finally rushed to Grace Hospital
for a critical operation. He failed to rally, however, and on Tuesday passed
Truman was the eldest son in
the family. He served overseas in the Great War as Lance - Corporal in the 42nd
Highlanders, Black Watch and is buried in the Veteran's Plot at Prospect
Cemetery this (Thursday) afternoon. He was married, his wife being formerly
Miss Doris Rushworth.
Forester November 15, 1934
page 1
The Later Truman Keating
The late Truman Keating whose
sudden death was recorded last week, the eldest son of the late
William Keating and was born near Shelburne on December 22, 1887. Early in 1915
he enlisted in the 37th battalion and was later transferred to the
Royal Highlanders, Black Watch, with which he served in France. Badly wounded
in action he was discharged from active
service in April 1918.
He was married in England in
1916 and besides his wife leaves a son born in 1917.
The funeral was a miltary
one in charge of the Black Watch Association. The padre of the regiment Capt.
Stewart Parker, was assisted by Rev. Mr. Bremnar, Baptist minister of Galt and
by Rev. Jos. Walker, formerly of Huntsville.
Death was caused by a
ruptured stomach ulcer which caused his illness while attending his father's
funeral at Huntsville. He was rushed to Grace Hospital upon his return and
operated upon, but peritonitis had set in and he lived only a few hours after
the operation. Truman had been employed as a foreman for the Dean Coal Company
for eight years.
Besides the widow and son,
his mother, four brothers and three sisters survive.
Forester November 8, 1934
page 1
Death of William Keating
Ex-Chief of Huntsville
Police Passes in Toronto
William Keating of Toronto a
former Chief of the Huntsville Police and for many years actively connected
with lumbering interests in the north country passed away suddenly at 560
Lansdowne Street, Toronto, on Thursday November 1st . For some time
Mr. Keating had suffered from a weak heart but his death came unexpectedly.
The remains were brought to
Huntsville on Sunday and interred in St. Andrew's cemetery, Rev. Findlay
Stewart, B.A. officiating. The pall-bearers were his stalwart sons.
The late Mr. Keating was
born at Corbeton, in Dufferin County, 69 years ago, and was married there to
Miss Susan Howitt who survives him. . He moved to the north country forty years
ago and was for some years connected with lumbering interests in and about
Sudbury. Later he moved to Huntsville and for some years was employed by the
Huntsville Lumber Company. In 1920 he was chosen Chief of Police for Huntsville
and filled this position acceptably for six years resigning to go to Toronto where
he has since resided.
Besides his widow he leaves a family of three married
daughters, Mrs. Bert Clearwater of Toronot, Mrs. Charles Rhodes of Galt and
Mrs. Foster Roney of Acton. The sons are Truman, John, James and Molson and
Howard of Detroit. All members were present at the funeral. Other outside
friends who accompanied the remains to Huntsville were Mr. & Mrs. Geo German and daughter
Greta, Mr. & Mrs. Morphet of Toronto and Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ellis of
A brief funeral service was
held at the Toronto home before departure for Huntsville.
Forester 1941
With the passing of Mrs.
F.W. Clearwater, this district again loses one of its earliest and most
respected pioneer ladies. Coming from Whitby in 1880 as the bride of Editor and
Publisher of the Forester, one of the first papers to be printed in these
parts, she, with her husband settled in their new home, built on the site of
the present Union Garage, which spot, at that time was the nucleus of the
rising town. It was a far cry for a young woman of twenty years, from the busy
little town of Whitby in those days. But always of a cheerful disposition, the
deceased lady enjoyed life to the full, until a few years ago when she was
stricken with paralysis from which she never recovered, she finally passed away
while sitting at the family luncheon table on Friday January 17th.
Although not entirely
unexpected, the death coming in such a manner was a shock to the entire family.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to them. Many beautiful floral tributes
attested to the esteem in which the deceased lady was held.
The late F.W. Clearwater was
for many years Editor and Publisher of the Forester and afterwards held the
position of postmaster of Huntsville for some years. He died about nine years
Mrs. Charles Kitchen accompanied by her
daughter Mrs. Charles Clarke attended the funeral which was held in Toronto on
Monday last. The remains were laid to rest in Park Lawn Cemetery, beside those
of her husband and son Herbert Martin Clearwater. A number of former Huntsville residents
called to pay their last respects among whom were Mrs. Ila Allwell; Mrs.
Ramesbottom; Miss Lottie Laing and her two sisters, Della and Pressie.
Forester November 13, 1969
page 12
Following an illness of six weeks Gordon Leroy Clearwater of Huntsville passed
away October 28 at Huntsville Memorial Hospital. He was 71 years old.
The deceased was a son of the
late Ffloyd W. Clearwater founder of the Forester and the late Mrs. Clearwater.
Huntsville's first
newspaper, the Huntsville Liberal, was established by Dr. F. L. Howland in 1875
and printed for two years on the presses of the Bracebridge Gazette. In 1877,
the deceased's father, Floyd Clearwater, a printer from Whitby, moved a press
and a few fonts of type to Huntsville and formed a partnership with Dr.
Howland. The name "Liberal" was changed to that of the Forester. The
partnership soon dissolved and Mr. Clearwater continued publication for 22
years when the late George Hutcheson and late H.E. Rice took over the paper.
The deceased, Gordon Leroy
Clearwater, was educated in Huntsville and was married June 4, 1927 at Toronto
to Vera Rhiness daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Walter Rhiness.
The deceased was employed as
a supervisor of orderlies for 35 years by the department of veteran's affairs
and was a member of the Huntsville Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. He
served in the First World War in the 58th battalion and was overseas
from 1915 to 1918.
Left to mourn his passing in
addition to his wife are a son Dalton Donald of Toronto and brother Frederick
of Hamilton. Another brother Herbert, predeceased him. There are 2
Rev. Jim Oben conducted the
funeral service at Addison Funeral Home. Interment followed in Hutcheson
Memorial Cemetery.
Pallbearers were
brothers-in-law George and Art Rhiness and nephews Jesse Rhiness, Rocky
Rhiness, Leonard Rhiness and Ralph Nicholson.
Forester October 22, 1980
page 26
RONEY, Ina Wednesday October
15, 1980, Ina Keating beloved wife of Foster Roney, beloved mother of James S.
Lorne Roney of Stroud and the late Ina Moe Patterson also survived by brother
Howard Keating of Windsor grandmother of six grandchildren and 13 great
grandchildren. Funeral service was held from the Turner Funeral Chapel, 436
Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto on Saturday October 18th. Interment
Prospect Cemetery.
Hutcheson Memorial Cemetery
Clearwater 1898 - 1969
H/o Vera Rhines 1904 -
Huntsville - With Spirit
& Resolve
Page 34: A Liberal in his
political views, Howland started a newspaper called The Liberal in 1876 [1].
(22) The publication was printed in Bracebridge until Floyd W. Clearwater, a
weekly newspaper publisher in Whitby brought his printing press to Huntsville.
The two struck a partnership in 1877 [2].
The name changed to the Forester, likely in the latter half of 1877. Howland
remained as editor until about 1881. From this platform he was able to effect
considerable influence in matters of local importance. In particular he was
able to change the attitude of the government to the needs of the free grant
lands. Dr Howland received the first telegraph message in Huntsville in 1875.
It came from H.P. Dwight, a frequent visitor to north Muskoka and later
president of the Great North Western Telegraph Company.
Page 47: Photo - 1886 - F.W.
Clearwater - School Board
Page 75: 1894 - "Even
though the Forester office was completely destroyed, Floyd Clearwater managed
to put out a small news sheet two days after the fire with the assistance of
the Gazette presses in Bracebridge. The 9 by 13 inch paper detailed the main
events of the fire and listed the fire toll."
Page 93: "On February
24, 1899, Floyd Clearwater said goodbye to the Forester. "With this issue I cease connection with the Forester, a
relationship that has existed for nearly 22 years." George Hutcheson
purchased the paper and gave his son-in-law Harmon Rice the job of
editor. Rice came to Huntsville the year after the fire when the town was a
dismal site. "There was little but
desolation and confusion to greet the eye of a newcomer", he said back
then. "My Heart sank within me as I
endeavoured to visualize a future amid the prevailing unloveliness all about
me. Happily, the picture soon changed."
Page 101: Floyd Clearwater,
editor of the Forester, introduced Huntsville to the idea of being a town as
early as August 1894. He said, "It
must be apparent to all who have taken interest in our municipal affairs , that the machinery of government adapted to a
small village is no longer suitable for a town of the size and growing
importance of Huntsville" He envisioned a council of 11 members, structure on a committee system. "Bills against the corporation instead
of being hurried through in batches at the close of a session would all be
referred to a finance committee for careful examination and report. It would
also be the duty of this committee to prepare estimates for submission to the
council of the revenue and expenditure of the year. A board of works would be
in charge of matters connected with the construction and repairs of highways,
bridge, sidewalks, sewers and obstructions and injuries of the same. A
committee of waterworks would look after fire apparatus and suppression of
fires. A relief committee would attend to the relief of the poor or infirm in
town. In no other way than by incorporation as a town can Huntsville acquire
that influence in the District that we are justly entitled to. If we place a
low estimate on our own importance as a municipality, our neighbours may be
excused in sparing that opinion."
Clearwater was obviously a
man ahead of his time. Although his vision of the municipal government would indeed
come to pass.
Page 111: The new Bettes
Block drew favourable comment from the townspeople in 1901, indeed it was one
of the finest new buildings to be erected in town. By September of that year
Postmaster Floyd Clearwater had moved the post office into the eastern portion
of the building. As a faithful reformer, Clearwater accepted the postmaster's
job in April 1900 as a plum for his support for Wilfred Laurier's Liberal
government in Ottawa. The former postmaster James Hanes died in February 1900. The
library found a new home above the post office. The new facility put Huntsville
in the "front rank" of libraries north of Toronto.
[1] The new Bettes Block
survives to this day. It is the brisk building across from the town hall
Page 125: Shortly
after the red axe began to fall on Liberal supporters holding government jobs.
Floyd Clearwater, the former owner of the Huntsville Forester was asked to resign position as postmaster in January 192.
William Mayhew succeeded him.
January 25, 1912
page 1:
"Red Axe" Falls in Huntsville
Clearwater Asked toVacat Office and Mr. Wm Mayhew Now in Charge of the Position
There was another
deeply……political thud on Tuesday night and with the descending "red
axe" another political head fell ----. Postmaster Clearwater after eleven
years has occupant of the position has been asked to vacate and Mr.Wm Mayhew
steps in and takes his place.
The probability
of the change has been mooted for sometime but it came at last suddenly and
The transfer was
effected ….. by the inspector of the ………in the mail coming on Tuesday night and
on Wednesday morning Mr. Mayhew was in charge.
Mr. Clearwater
succeeded to the position of Postmaster following the death of
Mr. Mayhew the
new official is ….well favoured ………nearly every part of the District and has
been a resident of Huntsville for a great many years. He has followed
mercantile ………his residence here and only retired from business in 1911.
Upon the …….of
the Government's action involving the change there will of course be a division
of local opinion, This division is bound to be different ……by political
feeling. However it is the outcome of a system recognized in the political life
of our time as humane and just and while the system exists the transfer of
government offices are bound to take place with succeeding changes in the
.mpetion of the ruling administration. Etc.
1890: Floyd W Clearwater 34 yrs 32
Princess Street
25 High
Street B $370 4 residents Presbyt
leasing from J.W. Bettes Pt Lot
14 Main North $100.
1892: 5 residents
Presbyterian 1 cow
1894: 4 residents 25
& 26 High Street & 31 & 32 Princess S
. Lot 14 Main North leasing from J.W. Bettes - Bracebridge
1895: Floyd W. Clearwater 38 yrs 31
& 32 Princess Street 1/2 acre Built
& 26 High Street $800.00
residents Presbyt 1 cow
Leased from George May W
37"of Lot 13 Main St. N. 1/12 acre
Vacant $200.
Carpenter Pt E 1/2 Lot 3 Main St. N. Vacant $200.
1897:Floyd W. Clearwater 42
yrs Printer-Publisher
s/a 1895 $1250. + $200.
37"of Lot 13 Main St. N. Vacant $250. E 1/2 Lot 3
Main St. N. B $200.
$ 1450.
6 residents ;
Presbyterian ; 3 cattle; 1 horse
1898: Floyd W. Clearwater 41
yrs Publisher/Printer
s/a 1897
E Pt 3 from George May
George May - 38 yrs
Carpenter Pt E1/2 3 Main St. N. 1/16 B $600. 5 residents Meth
1899: Floyd W. Clearwater 43
years Agent Same house
George D. Hayes 39 yrs Printer 23 Main St. S. 5 residents Church of God
George Hutcheson 62
yrs Publisher 76 - 77 Caroline Street 5 res Meth
1 cattle
7 & 8 Main St. North
Floyd W. Clearwater 44 yrs Real Estate
Agent 6 residents Presbyt
& 32 Princess Street
& 26 High Street
1/2 2 Main North 1/16 Vacant
Walter Street West 1/4 Vacant
George Hutcheson 63 yrs Publisher 76
- 77 Caroline St
Main Street 3/8 acre Built
residents Methodist
Lot 7 Main Street North Built
Floyd W. Clearwater 45 yrs Postmaster
Pt Lot 13 Main N J.W. Bettes $1600
George Hutcheson Publisher
Harmon Rice Ass Editor 27 yrs 207-208 Lansdowne Street
form John Boyd $825.
residents Meth Birth Registered.
: Floyd Clearwater 47 years postmaster 6
Floyd Clearwater 53 yrs Postmaster. Lot
31 Princess St. Vacant
Lot 32 Princess Street Built
Lot 25 High Street Built
Lot 26 High Street Vacant
S Pt Lot A King Street Vacant
1 Walter Street N (W?) Vacant
W 1/2 pt 2 Main Street Basement
6 residents Presbyterian
(April 29. 1909)
George Hutcheson 71 yrs
Publisher 76 - 77 Caroline Street
(Built # 77)
75 Main Street
n Pt W 1/2 5 Main Street N 1/16
Floyd H. Clearwater 54 yrs PM same
property 5 residents Presbyt $2000.00
Martin H. Clearwater Postal Clerk
George Hutcheson 72 yrs Methodist 3
residents $3528.00 (W1/2 5 Main St.
Floyd W. Clearwater 55 yrs PM 5 residents Presbyt
George Hutcheson 73 yrs Meth 3 residents
Floyd W. Clearwater 56 yrs No occupation same property
George Hutcheson 74 yrs Pt W 1/2 5 Main Street 1/16 acre
25 Main Street
Harmon Rice Journalist 218
Duncan Street Methodist 4 residents
F.W. Clearwater 57 yrs Printer 6 residents Christian Church
Princess Street
King Street S A Vacant
1 Walter Street
BRAND, William N. 37 yrs Chemist
Leasing from Mrs. Clearwater
NR 6 residents Methodist Birth 18/03/13
1916: Floyd still owns lot
on Walter Street.
1922 Gordon Clearwater 22
yrs Clerk 13 Main Street.
1924: 25 & 26 High Street owned by ACLC
leased to Herbert (43 yrs) & Grace Hill both alien Methodist 4
1925: 25 - 26 High Street owned by ACLC
leased to Herbert Hill 45 yrs Alien Musician House # 68
Grace Hill 44 yrs Alien
1926: 25 & 26 High Street owned by ACLC
leased to Clarence Booth age 42 yrs - alien - Musician
Josephine Booth 37 yrs alien
High Street B 4 residents
The Town of Whitby was incorporated in 1855, three years
after it was chosen as the seat of government for the new County of Ontario.
Although settlement dates back to 1800, it was not until 1836 that a downtown
business centre was established by Whitby's founder Peter Perry.
Whitby's chief asset was its fine natural harbour on Lake Ontario, from which grain from the farmland to the north was first shipped in 1833. In the 1840s a road was built from Whitby Harbour to Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay to bring trade through the harbour to and from the rich hinterland to the north. In the 1870s a railway was constructed to Port Perry and Lindsay from Whitby Harbour. The Town of Whitby experienced its first period of extensive growth in the 1850s when its population grew from 1,000 to 3,500 within five years and its harbour was second to Toronto in the amount of business it handled. The town was the site of the Court House, Jail and Land Registry Office for the County of Ontario, attracting many lawyers, county officials and professional men as residents.
After the 1850s, Whitby's population
remained stable for about 80 years. The McKinley Tariff Act in the United
States ended the grain trade at the harbour in the 1890s and Whitby became
known as a retired farmers' town. In 1913 construction began on a provincial
psychiatric hospital which is now the town's second largest employer.
History of St. Andrew's
[1] Forester Dec. 8, 1899.
Announcement of the Forester's 23rd birthday, suggesting the first
issue was in December 1876. In later years the paper's masthead carried the
notation :"Established in
[2] Forester February 24, 1899: On this date Floyd Clearwater severed
ties with the Forester "a relationship that has existed for 22 years"
putting Clearwater in Huntsville sometime in 1877.
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